3:32 PM

Dear blog..

I am worried about my friends.

Day by day, I see them floating further and further away.

It is not printed on their foreheads.

Neither do they say it outloud.

But the signs are crystal clear.

You can see them neglecting themselves.

Purposely staying out late.

Purposely delaying their prayers.

Purposely forget class.

Ignoring their screaming conscience.

Indulging in petty entertainments.

Losing faith and belief in themselves and spending every inch of their energy, their time, their life on worldly pleasures.

Be it, their lover, their youth, music, alcohol, movies or friendships solely based on entertainment, enjoyment, fun, care-free, care-less, self-absorbed so-called life.

I am worried…

What is your main goal in life my friends?

What do you love most?

Is it your girlfriend? your boyfriend?

Is it your guitar?

Is it music?


Your friends?

Your clique?

Your clothes, your shoes, your handphone?

What is the purpose of your life?

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