3:30 PM


You came down to me,
Falling down flakes by flakes,
Warming my heart in the cold winter day,
White flakes of hope,
And love from the Almighty,
A message, A love letter,
Of care.

You set on the ground, on the trees,
Like a white blanket over the landscape,
Painting a sight of beauty,
To the eyes of woken sleep,
In the dawn of empty sorrow,
White, bright and innocent.

How I long for you every day,
The days you came,
Are the days of hope,
Of happiness,
In a story of seemingly endless misery,
Overwhelmingly beautiful,
A breathtaking miracle.

You came and you went,
Sometimes falling on hot asphalt,
Which refuse to let up,
Melting every single flake,
Not yielding,
As if in rebellion.

But snow,
You will come again,
No doubt about it,
On unexpected days,
Lighting up the sky,
Carving up a smile,
For even as all hope fails,
You will never fail me,
My All-Loving, All-Knowing, Almighty,
In You I put my trust,
In You I give my all,

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